Hello. Bonjour.

ALCHIMIE (“alchemy” in English) yields an outcome that is a direct reflection of the process.

An ancient branch of philosophy with roots that are centuries deep across multiple continents, ALCHIMIE was formed to guide entrepreneurs and established businesses through some process of transformation. This could be a brand refresh, launching in a new market, developing cohesive communications—and everything in between.

Our network of multi-disciplinary alchemists come from diverse backgrounds with expertise working in a variety of industries including and with B2B, B2C, and B2B2C business models. Talent has been procured from some of the most well-known brands including The Walt Disney Company, Walmart, Mayo Clinic, eBay, Visa, Dell, and The Wall Street Journal.

We operate on the founding principles of integrity, accountability, innovative thinking, creative problem-solving, and authenticity.

Stephanie Ayars, FOUNDER

At the age of 14, I had the opportunity to visit Paris, France and I was awestruck. As an American, I was humbled by the rich history, captured by the architecture, delighted by the food, envious of the language, and inspired with the dream of living in France.

In 2020, I decided that time had come to take a tremendous leap of faith and make it happen. I moved to Nice, France on a student visa enrolled in the Global MBA program at EDHEC Business School. With four suitcases and two dogs in tow, I moved to a foreign country during lockdown and into my new life of online learning and walking the dogs on the Promenade des Anglais.

I completed the Global MBA in the summer of 2021 and decided to make Nice my home and establish ALCHIMIE.

It took me much longer to get here, but I am here and I wouldn’t change anything about my journey! I can now see and appreciate that my own personal and professional “ALCHIMIE” has been in motion for decades.

And now ALCHIMIE is here to serve others by helping them tap into the inner brand matter, extract the elements, craft the narrative, and communicate it in ways and places that drive measurable results.

I am available for fractional Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) opportunities. Please contact me directly to discuss your needs.

“Things may not be immediately discernible in what a man writes, and in this sometimes he is fortunate; but eventually they are quite clear, and by these and the degree of alchemy that he possesses, he will endure or be forgotten.”

— Ernest Hemingway

Operating ALCHIMIE

Experience-Based Knowledge



Original, Creative

